'Alternative to Timber' and Aluminium windows & doors
Timber Windows


Beware of poor quality joinery! The arched window we installed here was an exact replica of the previous timber window in a rural new-built housing development in the North Tyne Valley near Corbridge, Northumberland. The old window was less than 10-years old but already suffering rot and water ingress. The big difference is that these are high-performance windows designed to give long-lasting and effective perfomance against all weathers for decades. They come with a 30-year warranty against rot and a factory finish (this was painted in a pale cream called Gardenia) that will not need any maintenance for up-to 10 years.

Timber is such a good material to make windows from because there are so few constraints on what can be made, be it arched windows, raked gable-end screens or triangular windows. But it is essential to buy timber windows from quality joinery manufacturers with all the necessary plant, equipment and quality assurance processes in place to be able to provide long-lasting durable products. The 30-year warranty against rot and a minimum life expectancy of 60-years on our windows and doors says it all really.