Blackthorn Timber Windows supply and install timber windows within the Hexham area, and we offer the most comprehensive range of wooden windows in quality softwood or hardwood.

We provide a wealth of information on our website about timber windows, but we'd be happy to visit your home or arrange a call-back.
We have a no pressure approach to meeting our customers and we always send written quotations following a visit. We understand that these projects sometimes take a while to get off the ground and we know that our customers don't want to be hassled so we simply send the quotation and wait. Some customers come back within a week, others take a month or even a year and that's fine.
Below you'll find a selection of work we have undertaken in the Hexham area, supplying and fitting timber windows.
Replacements For Metal Windows, Hexham
We see a lot of old single-glazed metal windows and doors, often with square- or rectangular leading on the glass. Although this type of window will survive indefinitely, they are also just about the worst type of window for heat-retention. Single-glazing will lose approximately 4-times as much heat as double-glazing whilst metal frames make excellent heat conductors. Add to this the lack of effective seals around the windows and doors and the ensuing draughts suck any residual heat from the room every time the wind blows!

The advantage that these windows have is their inherent strength which means that the frame and sash sections could be made very narrow. The biggest fear amongst prospective customers with metal windows is that they will lose an awful lot of daylight. Whilst we always point out that any replacement double-glazed window will have wider sections than the metal single-glazed windows coming out, our timber profiles are slimmer than most, (even more-so than uPVC windows) and we work with our clients to design windows that remain balanced and in-keeping with the property.

This installation in Hexham, Northumberland, uses our 92mm stormproof casement window and French door, complete with antique rectangular lead. Completed in June 2013 the photos show that we have managed to maintain the character and appearance of the original windows and door whilst providing superb insulation and weather-tight security.

Double Glazed Sash Windows in Corbridge
Rare blue sky and sunshine shows off a really nice job in Corbridge in Northumberland, 15 miles due west of Newcastle. Corbridge is a lovely village and although this property had no planning restrictions on it, we wanted to ensure that whatever we installed looked totally in-keeping with the property. This meant minimising the visible timber to the sides of our sliding sash windows, keeping the timber glazing bars slim and factory finishing in a colour that would really complement the sandstone of the house. Our customer chose Gardenia and is delighted with the job and the finished appearance of the windows. By spray-painting prior to assembly and glazing we ensure that all of the areas of the windows that don't ever get seen are as well protected as those that are seen. Of course the big advantage of fitting timber double glazed windows and doors is that they can be finished in any colour you choose depending on the look you want to create.

These double glazed sash windows are an almost exact match for the old wooden sashes that came out but with a huge 70% reduction in the amount of heat lost through the window. What comes as a surprise to many people is the added advantage of noise reduction, which is nearly 30dB even before looking at special noise-reducing glass combinations.
Double glazed Stormproof Casement timber windows near Hexham
The Stormproof Casement window is a high-performance timber window in terms of insulation, security and weather-tightness.
It is a highly versatile window looking equally at home in both urban and country settings, and old or new buildings.
Multiple design variations are possible with top-opening and side-opening options, countless fenestration combinations, timber glazing bars and decorative leadwork.

This installation was an unusual projecting en-suite bathroom extension on a grand house near Hexham. The windows have a pleasing 'lambs-tongue' moulding detail to the inside (other profiles are available) and in this case we fitted them with locking push-button handles in a brass finish.
New Traditional Timber Sash Windows for Northumbrian Farmhouse
We installed our Traditional Timber Sash windows complete with brass pulleys and lead weights to give the property warmth and comfort whilst maintaining the look and feel or traditional timber windows.

This old and impressive Northumberland farmhouse had wooden sash windows that had seen better days. They were cold and draughty and beyond the point of restoration.

The house occupies a commanding position in the Tyne Valley, between Hexham and Newcastle and the double weather-seals have been very effective at stopping the draughts that were leaking heat from the property.

Blackthorn Timber Windows supply and install quality timber windows throughout the North East of England and beyond.
Spectacular feature window near Corbridge
The beauty of timber windows and doors is that we can usually find a solution to the challenges thrown at us by our customers. Take this impressive timber window here, in a modern property in Tynedale, near Corbridge. Our client wanted to make more use of their large hall but the whole area was very cold. A large single-glazed window rose from the first flight of stairs to the eaves, towering over the hall and this let a huge amount of heat out.

Our solution was to replace the window with new window based on our timber casement with low-emissivity glass and argon gas within the glazing unit. We were able to reduce the heat loss through the glass by 70%. The window was manufactured from engineered redwood and made in 3 sections for assembly on site. In order to achieve this we had to create a new moulded profile to the heads and soles of the windows so that they would sit together neatly and be capable of being fastened together safely and securely without the need for de-glazing on site.
The result was a spectacular, very warm, feature window which has enabled our client to use the hall for dining and other special events.
Blackthorn Timber Windows supply and install quality timber windows throughout the North East of England and beyond.
Click here for more information about timber window special projects.